Email:  info@nhfarmandforestexpo.org
NH Farm, Forest and Garden Expo
PO Box 2585
Concord NH 03302-2585
Main Phone: 603-271-3551

Show Manager:
Kelly Bryer, Granite State Ambassadors 603-851-8624

2023  NH Farm & Forest Expo Board Members:

Jayson McCarter, President

Rachel Maccini, Vice President
UNH Cooperative Extension

Kendall Kunelius, Clerk
UNH Cooperative Extension 

Anne Boisvert, Treasurer
NH State Grange

Jolee Chase
retired – UNH Cooperative Extension-Hillsborough County

Mike Smith
NH Agriculture in the Classroom

      AJ Dupere
NH Division of Forests & Lands/Urban Forestry Center

Stephanie Sosinski
UNH Cooperative Extension

Ted Frost
Frost Farm Service

Amy Hall
Granite State Dairy Promotion

Jason Lagasse
JML Services

Joshua Marshall
NH Dept. of Agriculture, Markets & Food

John Porter
UNH Cooperative Extension

Samantha Stoddard
Farm Credit East