2023 Workshops & Demonstrations

Workshops, indoor & outdoor demonstrations, competitions…
COME TALK TO THE EXPERTS! There is so much to do and see and the below list isn’t all of it. We are taking full advantage of our new location at the Deerfield Fairgrounds to bring such an incredible variety of learning experiences and experts to one location. Workshops are 45-60 minutes.
Classrooms are under the white, Arts & Crafts Building – entrance is at rear of building.

FFA Floral Design Competition
Friday, May 5
Location: Building
This competition will be open to students from Granite State FFA chapters and will be based on the Floral Arrangement activity from the National FFA Organization Floriculture Career Development Event.
Students will be given cut flowers and containers and will be assigned an arrangement type and retail price. They will be given 30 minutes to select materials and create an arrangement within the given price range. Judges from the floral industry will score results based on creativity, scale, balance and other design parameters, as well as on accuracy in accounting costs and prices.

NH Homestead Act Part 1: Selling Homemade Food in New Hampshire
Friday, May 5 • 10 AM
Location: Classroom
Anne Hamilton, Mary Saucier Choate, UNH Extension & Colleen Smith, Erica Davis , DHHS Food Protection
Starting a homestead food business is a dream of many home cooks. Beginning small, in your own kitchen, with shelf-stable baked goods and other allowed foods, is a practical way to try out this venture. Find out when you are exempt from requiring a New Hampshire Homestead license and when you are non-exempt and need a Homestead H license. This class is beneficial for anyone looking to sell food from their home kitchen, especially when selling at farmers’ markets and farm stands. The class will include an overview of the Homestead Act and will allow time for questions and answers from UNH Extension and NH DHHS Food Protection.

Selling Homemade Food Part 2: When a Commercial License is Needed
Friday, May 5 • 11 AM
Location: Classroom
Anne Hamilton, Mary Saucier Choate, UNH Extension & Colleen Smith, Erica Davis , DHHS Food Protection
Perhaps you have been thinking about selling acidified or fermented foods, such as salsa, pickles, relishes, or sauerkraut under the Homestead Act. To produce these foods, you will need to move up from a home kitchen to a commercial kitchen. With this comes the added responsibilities of obtaining a license and following additional rules & regulations. This class is beneficial for anyone looking to sell acidified, fermented, and refrigerated foods. We will include an overview of when you need a commercial license, important food safety guidelines, and time for questions and answers with UNH Extension and NH DHHS Food Protection.

Sprayer Calibration and Safety Workshop for Women
Friday, May 5 • 11 am – 1 pm
Location: Outside
Kendall Kunelius, UNH Extension
Correctly calibrating a pump or backpack sprayer is a critical piece for any business risk management strategy. This hands-on workshop will provide learning opportunities for women in any agricultural sector- fruit and veggie production, green industry/landscaping, and livestock production. Instructors Rachel Maccini and Kyle Quigley will teach participants how to read pesticide/chemical labels, calculate correct formulations, and sprayer calibration methods to match desired application rates. This workshop is part of our Women in Agriculture program, offering support for women farmers in the areas of safety, farm efficiency, risk management, and profitability. This material is based upon work supported by USDA/NIFA under Award Number 2021‐70027‐34693.
Pre-registration is required at: https://extension.unh.edu/event/2023/05/sprayer-calibration-safety-workshop-women

Managing Poisonous Plants in Pastures
Friday, May 5 • 1pm
Location: Classroom
Carl Majewski, UNH Extension
Potentially toxic plants are pretty common in pastures across NH. Don’t panic, though – it’s not as big a problem as you think. We’ll review some of the more notorious toxic species you may come across in your pastures, and we’ll discuss some management strategies you can use to minimize the risk to your animals. This session would benefit small and backyard livestock owners who are working to improve their pastures.

Friday, May 5 • 1 PM
Location: Outside
Poultry Farming in NH
Karina Allayne, Greentwist Acres: Farm & Learning Center
Geese, ducks, turkeys, and chickens, oh my! We have been farming poultry of various types for over 10 years. Along the way we have learned a lot about incubating/hatching , purchasing, raising, breeding, egg production and sales, meat production and sales, bird behavior, and more! We are happy to share with you what has worked for us through the years.

Getting Started with USDA
Friday, May 5 • 2:30 PM
Location: Classroom
Andrea Bye – USDA NH Beginning Farmer and Rancher Coordinator
From farm loans to crop insurance, and conservation programs to disaster assistance, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is here to support you and your operation. In this workshop, you will hear from your local Farm Service Agency (FSA), Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) and Rural Development (RD) staff about how USDA can help you get started or grow your farming operation through a variety of programs and services. As the face of agriculture is changing USDA is leveraging its footprints to meet the needs of ALL producers. Realizing the USDA website can be a bit overwhelming when trying to do your own research, we’re hopeful this presentation will help you understand how to get connected with staff and begin working with the various agencies! Beginning farmers and ranchers are very much needed as the average age of the farmer continues to rise. USDA is striving to support this group of new farmers and ranchers and we invite you to join us on the journey.

Friday, May 5 • 3 PM
Location: Outside
Farming with Livestock Guardian Dogs
Karina Allayne, Greentwist Acres: Farm & Learning Center
What is a Livestock Guardian Dog, and will it work for me? We have been poultry farming with LGD for 8 years, and we wouldn’t/couldn’t do it any other way. We protect our livestock and coexist with wildlife. We are happy to share our experiences, tips, training techniques, and answer any questions. One of our Great Pyrenees will be present.

Your Garden Photos – Enhancing the Story with Facts & Details
Friday, May 5 • 3:30 PM
Location: Classroom
Cris Blackstone – Make Scents (flower grower), freelance writer and photographer
Get the most of your “picture is worth one thousand words” by understanding more about how to capture details and frame the topic you are experiencing through the photo during this presentation. Learn some ideas to consider when you are taking a photo, to be in the moment but also capturing your sentiments about the subject. A photo will help you plan your garden for years to come, while preserving what you are seeing and worked hard for now. With a smart phone in hand, you will see how you can improve your photography skills to learn tips and artistic approaches to a very scientific set of facts each flower or plant in your garden or on your farm hold. No matter where you are with gardening experience, or if you have never considered yourself “artistic” you will see how your photography can help you become a better gardener while taking artful photos. With example photos in hand during the presentation, you will be able to see firsthand what your takeaway points are from this session and can implement the techniques presented right away.

Invasive Plant Identification Lab
Friday, May 5 • 4:30 PM
Location: Classroom
Michael Gagnon, UNH Cooperative Extension
This session will be an interactive hands-on learning experience in upland invasive plant species identification. Through a guided activity, you will learn to identify many of the common woody trees, shrubs, vines, and other perennials listed on the prohibited invasive species list in New Hampshire. The focus will be on learning identification skills beyond just leaves through close examination of samples of woody material, twigs, and buds. This skill set can be useful in winter identification, distinguishing invasives from some of their native look-a-likes, and in applying Early Detection Rapid Response (EDRR), one of our best defenses against upland invasive species invasions.

Friday, May 5 • 5:30 PM
Location: Classroom
Part 1: Exploring Affordable Solutions to in-home care, Medicare and long-term care insurance
Michael Healy, Advanced Life Management
Are you familiar with Medicare Parts A and B? Do you know where they pick up and where they leave off? Do you know what your situation would look like in the event you become Sick, or Injured and need in home services? Join me in exploring Medicare, and Long-Term Care insurance, and products designed to help all those with a potential in home care need, not just those eligible for Medicare. This will be an educational seminar to help you understand your picture and to help you navigate through those times.

Friday, May 5 • 6:15 PM
Location: Classroom
Part 2: Exploring Affordable in-home assistance programs
What would happen if you found yourself in need of in-home assistance because you were unable to take care of daily needs? Meal Prep, Dishes, Medication Assistance, at home Skilled Nursing Assistance? Would you want to or be able to depend on your family to handle these things for you? In this workshop, we will be exploring affordable solutions that require no medical exams and have no costly waiting periods or deductibles.

Interesting Features of NH Barns
Saturday, May 6 • 10 AM
Location: Classroom
John Porter, NH Preservation Alliance
Do you know why some barns have small transom windows above the doors, cupolas high on their ridges, or those funny projecting roofs over their hay loft doors? Join other barn enthusiasts for this session presented by John Porter, UNH Extension Professor/Specialist, Emeritus, and co-author of Preserving Old Barns. Barns are admired for their architectural beauty, but look a little closer and you’ll see a lot of interesting features which help tell the story of how barns were used. This session will be an illustrated PowerPoint talk showing various features of old New Hampshire barns. It will include many things we take for granted when describing old barns like cupolas, cow stables, hay forks, barn bridges, built-in accessories, scuttle holes, and more.

Is Alpaca Ownership Right for You?
Saturday, May 6 • 9:30 AM
Location: Classroom
Gordon Long, Nodrog Farms
Curious about alpacas and what to expect when adding these gentle, curious animals to your family? In this workshop learn about the different types of alpaca, their care, breeding, and the luxurious products you can make with their fleece.

Insurance for Agratainment
Saturday, May 6 • 10:30 AM
Location: Classroom
Michael N. Bertolone – Farm Family / American National
Insurance for the Farm, Coverage for Agratainment
More information coming on this program.

Light: What is it, how do plants use it and how can we grow our plants with it?
Saturday, May 6 • 11:30 AM
Location: Classroom
Jonathan Ebba – UNH Extension
While young, we learned that plants need light to grow. We may have even learned about photosynthesis in school. But what is it about light that plants need? How can we use that knowledge to grow better plants? From science-interested laypeople to windowsill seedling hobbyists to commercial greenhouse operators, this discussion is open to all and will teach us a little more about light and plants.

Living with Coyotes
Saturday, May 6 • 11:30 AM
Location: Classroom
Chris Schadler, NH Wildlife Coalition
Whether you farm sheep or grow trees, helpful coyotes make good neighbors. Learn how! Why not make use of this valuable predator? Living with coyotes can actually deter problem coyotes; coyotes can discourage deer from damaging understory trees and shrubs.

Foundations of Forages
Saturday, May 6 • 1 PM
Location: Classroom
Dan Wright, Poulin Grain
Hay is hay, right? Wrong! Forage is the foundation of most livestock diets, but often goes underrated or misunderstood in terms of its influence on the overall diet. Dan Wright, Poulin Grain feed specialist dives into types of forage, the importance of analysis, how to read test results, and how that information should guide your management decisions. If you own or manage any animal that consumes forage (hay, haylage, pasture, etc) you won’t want to miss this deeper look into what it truly offers, and how you can use that information to maximize your animal’s health and performance!

Pollinator Garden Certification
Saturday, May 6 • 12:30 PM
Location: Classroom
Donna Miller – UNH Extension
New Hampshire is home to a diverse array of pollinators, however, declines of insects, native bees, and birds are well documented. Habitat loss is a significant driver of those declines. UNH Extension staff and New Hampshire Master Gardener volunteers have been taking action to protect pollinators by planting pollinator-friendly gardens and providing education to the gardening public. Now, New Hampshire gardeners and landowners like you have the opportunity to certify your gardens or property as “pollinator-friendly.” This session will help to ensure you are providing for the needs of pollinators, and also to help spread the word about the importance of pollinators and how others can join this effort. In this interactive workshop a member of the Pollinator Garden Certification Committee will walk you through the 4-step process to help you review and prepare your garden/property for the application requirements.

Planning for Profitability: Everything you need to know about cost control in your livestock feeding program.
Saturday, May 6 • 1:30 PM
Location: Classroom
Kendall Kunelius & Dr. Sarah Allen – UNH Extension
This workshop will cover key information about getting a handle on the most variable expense on your farm: your feed bill. Dr. Sarah Allen, UNH Extension Dairy Nutrition specialist, and Kendall Kunelius, Agriculture Business Management specialist will be discussing specific management strategies to enhance profitability and how to create a strong relationship with your feed rep. Participants can expect to walk away with actionable next steps to improving their financial outlook for livestock enterprises.

Tick Talk – Tick Identification & Protection
Saturday, May 6 • 2:30 PM
Location: Classroom
Rachel Maccini – UNH Cooperative Extension
A walk in the woods is relaxing and enjoyable, but getting Lyme disease from a tick is not. That’s why it’s important to take precautions and learn to identify and prevent being bitten. In this workshop participants will be introduced to core concepts in tick identification, tick habitat identification, tick morphology, life cycles, and biology, and important strategies for reducing the risks associated with ticks. After the PowerPoint lecture and discussion participants will have the opportunity to look at ticks under a microscope and work on a worksheet which will help solidify their knowledge. By participating in this session participants will walk away with basic knowledge of ticks and what to do to better protect themselves from tick-borne diseases. This session is recommended for all interested participants.

Why Organic? Transitioning to Producing, Eating, Supporting Local Organic Foods
Time: Saturday, May 6, 2:30 PM
Location: Classroom
Julie Davenson, Northeast Organic Farming Association of NH (NOFA-NH)
Are you a farmer or home grower interested in producing organic foods, or a community member interested in supporting local farms when choosing organic products for yourself and your family? This workshop will introduce attendees to the Northeast Organic Farming Association of New Hampshire and its programs (from conferences to food access), mentorship and educational opportunities for organic farmers and gardeners, organic lawn care, the USDA Transition to Organic Partnership Program, how to directly support local organic producers across the state, organic agriculture as a climate change solution, and how the Farm Bill will impact our food system. Farmers, gardeners, homeowners, and eaters interested in joining and deepening their connection to the growing organic movement will leave this session with valuable tools and resources.

Preventing and/or Reducing Wildlife Conflicts Around the Home and Garden
Time: TBD
Location: USDA/Aphis/Wildlife services outdoor booth
Are you having issues with predators in the chicken coop, wildlife eating your garden, or nuisance animals in the backyard or in your home? USDA/APHIS/Wildlife Services (WS) will be demonstrating a variety of techniques that will assist with these issues and many more. From proper fencing and exclusion techniques to keep animals out of valuable areas to finding practical and effective equipment to harass and/or exclude animals from your property, WS will be presenting best management practices for a number of situations to discourage nuisance wildlife from damaging your property. If you are a homeowner, keep livestock, or grow your own crops this demonstration is for you.

Chainsaw Safety
Time: TBD
Location: NH Division of Forests & Lands Outdoor Booth
AJ Dupere, Urban Forester with the NH Division of Forests and Lands
Presentation and hands-on workshop on proper chainsaw use and maintenance. We will discuss appropriate safety gear, sharpening, and techniques for successful chainsaw operation. Participants will have an opportunity to work on chainsaws to practice basic maintenance and sharpening skills.
Even More Demonstrations
Visit our exhibitor’s booths for even more demonstrations and resources.
Northeast Organic Farming Association of NH (NOFA-NH)
Braided Rug Demonstrations
During both days at Expo, two to three members of the “Braiders of the Lost Art Guild ” of Northwood will be doing braided rug demonstrations and be available to answer questions.
Island Pond Spinners Demonstration
We are a group of spinners, weavers, knitters, crocheters. Demonstrations all day Saturday.
New Hampshire Farm Museum
Two-man saw demonstrations
Wood-Mizer Northern New England
Our portable saw mill will be working overtime. We invite you to stop by our outdoor booth to see it in action.
Owners Class & Open House
Highland Mountain Farm
*Wool Carding and Cleaning Techniques (Scheduled times) *Holistic/Natural Wool Dyeing Demo and Tips (Scheduled times) *Live felting demos; folks can take part in felting a new farm sign that will be displayed at the Deerfield Fair 2023!
Prep your fleece for the mill…what are your goals and objectives of your fiber? The dos and dont’s of custom fiber processing at Bartlettyarns. Every mill is different, come experience the Bartlett way. Hands-on skirting demonstration, display of objects found in wool sent to the mill, you might be surprised, and general fiber questions.
Wellscroft Fence Systems
Demonstrations on portable electric netting set-up and an overview of the many varieties of electric net for both livestock and crop protection.
J & F Farms
Get up close and personal with some barnyard friends!
NH Association of Conservation Districts
Water Cycle Game – ongoing in front of the large Sheep Barn.
Participants will assume the role of a water droplet and move through the water cycle’s many stages. The New Hampshire Association of Conservation Districts is hosting this Water Cycle simulation game. Participants must be able to read or be accompanied by someone who can read. Participants will roll dice to determine which part of the water cycle to go to next. The activity will take 20 minutes to complete. Family or team participation is encouraged.
Concord Tractor
Spring Tractor Preparation & Safety
Saturday, May 6, afternoon
See us at our outside booth
After a cold and snowy winter like those we often see in New England, let’s discuss how to properly prepare your tractor for the Spring tasks ahead. Taking care of a tractor can be a daunting task if you are unsure where to start, but I am happy to help! We can start with an overview of tractor safety for those that may be new to operations or considering a tractor for their own. From that lead, it’s a great place to break into some common user errors of operations, as well as some basic service knowledge. Tractors are such useful and powerful machines, it would be delightful to answer any questions anyone might have, with over 38 years in the business – I have great education and experience that is a pleasure to share with my community and tractor family!
You can also see us in the Tractor Play Pen using a grapple to move and stack rocks/tires…